Other writers have focused on the possible consequences of the deal for the Cadbury's workforce (with job losses beng described as "inevitable" by outgoing Cadbury's chairman Roger Carr) or for Britsish industry more widely. While these issues are of course highly important, I've been trying to work out why the news just strikes me in some hard-to-get-at way as profoundly sad and regreattable. After all..Cadbury Schweppes is a multinational in its own right which has hoovered up many much-loved brands and commendable smaller companies (eg Green & Blacks) along the way. So why should I feel any sentimental attachment to it as an independent company that extends much beyond whether I still like the taste of Dairy Milk or not?
The answer occurred to me this morning in a weird flashback to junior school days. When I was 8 or so, Cadbury's ran a national essay competition for schools. We were shown a film about where chocolate came from, how the coca beans were grown in West Africa, were brought to England and turned into chocolate bars in Bournville and about how Cadbury's had been set up in the early 19th century and were model enlightened employers . Several children entered essays from our school and I was one of several winners - and had the excitement of six or so different Cadbury's chocolate bars arriving in the post for me a little while later. (And that felt like the riches of Croesus).
So in that one small episode, I had new knowledge about the world, a sense of what an English company did, of its history and the particular history of a place (Bournville) that I could conceivably visit and some delicious products I could eat all rolled up into one. And I realised that one of the many reasons why industry is important is because such enterprises DO imbue our communities and landscapes and towns with a tangible and mysterious and magical sense of place and drama and achievement - and we feel a sense of belonging with them too, however remote. And this does not happen, by and large, with service industries or administrative offices - who was ever thrilled by the sense of knowing how management consultants work or by having a call centre as the local large employer?
And..if we allow our industries and long-established companies to be parcelled up and sold off one by one by venture capitalists and corporate predators and hedge fund managers, as so many have already been, we lose not just jobs or brand names or political face - we lose something of our history, our sense of community and of ourselves.